Sunday, November 23, 2014

November Updates!

Hi Everyone,

It was so nice to meet with all of you during conference time!  I enjoy putting names with faces and learning about your children from a different perspective.  I am looking forward to getting back into the routine of teaching as the assessment window for trimester one closes.  Report cards will be sent home on 12.15.14.

We are really looking forward to our play on Tuesday morning at 9:00 am!  Please let me know if no one in your family will be able to attend so I may plan accordingly.  All are welcome as we have plenty of space in the cafeteria.  Our play will last about 30 minutes.  We will all need to be out of the cafeteria by 9:35 am to accommodate the incoming gym class.  If possible, please help us get the "gym-ateria" back in order by returning your chair to the metal chair cart on your way out.  Thank you for your assistance!

Thank you to all the parents who signed up to donate their time or ingredients to our special Thanksgiving related centers.  Please check the Sign Up Genius lists elsewhere in this blog if you have forgotten what you signed up for!  We will be having our Thanksgiving activity centers immediately following the play.  I expect centers to be finished by 11:00 am.  Due to the space limitations of our classroom, only parent volunteers are welcome to accompany us back to the room after the play.  Thank you for your cooperation.


Thank you to all of you who placed book orders or sent in donations for Timothy's Toybox! To date we have collected $119.00 -  what a fabulous response!  In addition, all the book orders placed us in the highest bonus point earning bracket which means more FREE books for TTB!  This year's list has 60 children ranging in age from newborn - 14 years.  I will be selecting at least 2 books per child utilizing the funds collected from Room 13 in addition to the $107.00 collected at our Family Literacy Night last spring.  The children will assist me in sorting the books by age when the book order arrives.  I will be delivering the books to Sharon Gilbert, director of TTB, during the first week in December.  Thank you Room 13!

There will be NO HW this week due to the Thanksgiving holiday - woot, woot!  Please be on the lookout for information regarding Reading A to Z (RAZ Kids) in your child's booktime envelope on Monday 12.1.14.  RAZ Kids offers many more opportunities for your child to practice reading books at their INDEPENDENT reading level from the comfort of your own home!  Reading levels were assigned based on my recent reading assessments.  Your child will receive a password to utilize this site on Monday the 1st. Please keep it in a handy spot!

Phew!  I think that's it for now.  Please call or email with questions!  Here's hoping the email blast regarding this post reaches you in a timely manner...

Chris Paget

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Halloween Memories!

Five Little Pumpkins Puppet Shows

During Halloween week we put on puppet shows for each other with our paper bag pumpkin puppets. Look for your child's puppet in their poem notebook. Maybe they'll reenact the show for you at home!

Halloween Parade
Here are some pictures of us in our costumes. As you can see, we had some repeats!