Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Star Lab Planetarium!

We had a visitor from the Museum of Science today!  Kim taught us how to be scientists. We used binoculars to make observations and then drew what we saw. Then we were invited into an inflatable planetarium in the gym. Kim taught us about planets and constellations. She showed us how to find the North Star and projected the constellations on the ceiling. It was so cool and we were so well behaved. When we came back to Room 13 Ms Galvin helped us remember what we had learned so we could write about our "field trip" in our memory books.   


We have been working hard on problem solving in our math journals. To date we have solved 4 different types of problems - put together, add to, take from, and both addends unknown. Here are some photos of our work taken during our group share. This week we learned that some story problems have more than one solution!    

Summer Memories